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Hoe de opties Opslaan en opslaan als in Excel uit te schakelen of niet toe te staan?

Normaal gesproken worden onze gewijzigde gegevens in de werkmap in 茅茅n keer opgeslagen als we op de functie Opslaan of Opslaan als klikken. Maar soms mag uw Excel-bestand niet worden gewijzigd en opgeslagen door andere gebruikers wanneer ze het bestand lezen. Dit artikel biedt de VBA-methode om de opties Opslaan en opslaan als in Excel uit te schakelen.

Schakel de opties Opslaan en opslaan als uit met VBA-code

Schakel de opties Opslaan en opslaan als uit met VBA-code

U kunt de onderstaande VBA-code uitvoeren om de opties Opslaan en opslaan als in Excel uit te schakelen.

1. In de werkmap moet u de Save & Save As-functies uitschakelen. Druk op anders + F11 toetsen tegelijkertijd om het Microsoft Visual Basic voor toepassingen venster.

2. In de Microsoft Visual Basic voor toepassingen venster, dubbelklik Dit Werkboek kopieer en plak in de linkerbalk de onderstaande VBA 1 in het codevenster en klik vervolgens op het Bespaar knop. Zie screenshot:

VBA 1: schakel de opties Opslaan en opslaan als in Excel uit

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
    ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
End Sub

3. In de opening Opslaan als venster, selecteer een map om de werkmap op te slaan, noem de werkmap zoals u nodig heeft en selecteer Excel-werkmap met ingeschakelde macro's van het Opslaan als type vervolgkeuzelijst en klik ten slotte op het Bespaar knop.

4. Kopieer en plak nu de onderstaande VBA 2 in het Dit Werkboek codevenster. Zie screenshot.

VBA 2: schakel de opties Opslaan en opslaan als in Excel uit

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim xName As String
xName = "CancelBeforeSave"

If Not Evaluate("=ISREF('" & xName & "'!A1)") Then
    Sheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.count)).Name = xName & ""
    Sheets(xName & "").Move after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.count)
    Sheets(xName & "").Visible = False
    Exit Sub
End If
    Cancel = True
End Sub

5. Klik op het Bespaar knop om de code op te slaan en sluit de werkmap.

De werkmap is opgeslagen als een Excel-werkmap met ingeschakelde macro's met de extensie Bespaar en Opslaan als functies uitgeschakeld.

Note: Het lijkt erop dat wijzigingen worden opgeslagen in het huidige werkblad telkens wanneer u de werkmap wijzigt en opslaat. Maar na het sluiten en opnieuw openen van de werkmap, zult u merken dat de wijzigingen niet zijn opgeslagen.

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When I try to save this in the code window, it shows an error message about Add, in the line:
Sheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = xName & ""

how do I fix?
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It is possible that user receiving the file will disable the macros and controlwill not work. Please help understand.
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Hi Deepak Kachare,
If you don't want others users disable the macros after they receiving the file, you can hide the macro code that no one can open and see it.
See if the method in the following article can help you.
How to Protect and Hide Excel Macros
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Thanks for your response. I think the link is an erroneous one. Could you please help with the link.
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Sorry for the mistake. To protect and hide Excel macros, you need to configure as follows.
1. Click the Alt + F11 keys to open the VBA editor.
2. In the editor, click Tools > VBAProject Properties.
3. In the VBAProject Properties dialog box, go to the Protection tab, check the Lock project for viewing box, enter password and finally click OK.
From now on, anyone (including yourself) who wants to open the VBA editor of this workbook, a password is required.
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I've just discovered that as soon as I place a shortcut to this file in another location (where the others are going to access it) all my protections no longer work. The sheet is not protected (which I have previously set), the workbook is not protected (which I have also previously set) and the Save-Save As ability is now there, as if the VBA code were not there at all. If I go to the original file, it all still works.

What is it about the shortcut that is stripping all the protections away?
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Hi Rochelley,
The VBA code cannot figure out which way the workbook is opened. So it can't stop others from changing the file by opening it through a shortcut.
Sorry I can't help to with this problem.
For the first issue you mentioned above, I need time to see if I can handle it.
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Hi, Thanks very much, this is exactly what I need, to prevent others from saving or saving as a file in any location, and it is working for me, thanks to the comment about "Design Mode".

However, I still need to be able to make edits to the file periodically and save the changes. Must I delete the VBA code first, make the changes, Save, and then add the VBA code back in again to prevent others from saving? Or is there a simpler way to make edits and save while leaving the VBA code intact?
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Hi Rochelley,
Thank you for your feedback. The VBA code has been updated as follow. You need to:
1. Press the Alt + F11 keys to open the Visual Basic editor.
2. In the Visual Basic editor, double click ThisWorkbook in the left Project pane, and then copy the following VBA code into ThisWorkbook (Code) window.
3. Save the code and save the workbook as an Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook.
1) In the code, "Win10x64Test" stands for the username in your operating system. Please change it to your own username.
2) After adding the code, you can edit the workbook and save it as usual. But if someone else gets this workbook, the Save and Save as options will not be avaliable.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20220930
    ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim xName As String
xName = "Win10x64Test" 'The username in your operating system

If xName <> Environ("username") Then
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
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For all of those who encountered the error where after already doing this once, when they try do it again the code won't save:

Go to the bottom of the excel file where it shows the sheets
Right-click the sheets
Press Unhide
Delete the sheet called CancelBeforeSave
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Brilliant !   
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Thanks for your reply. Highly appreciated. I want you to guide me how to send a saved file to a friend who can open my file but only read or edit it, but can not not save the file in any folder.
1. For instance I have a saved file, which I want to send to "A" He opens the saved file but after opening he reads or makes any changes in my file, he can not save it at his end in any folder.
2. I have got code form internet which disallows to save. But in this case when I copy and paste the code, the file does not save. So I can not send the file to him
3. How can I send the file to Party "A" with a saved code in the hope he can not save the file.
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I tried to use the code for NOT SAVING the file. But it did not work. It saves the file.
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Please, I do not want someone to copy or save my excel file, how can I remove save or save as?
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Hello I am a fan of this website...I used to try the code. It works flawlessly. But it disables "Save option" too. I am not able to save the Excel sheet. What I need is to disable only the feature "Save As" I read the other user's comments too. ThisWorkbookSaved = True is not working for me as well. Could you please help? Thanks a lot for all your contributions.
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