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Hoe rijhoogte van samengevoegde cellen automatisch aanpassen in Excel?

Auteur: Xiaoyang Laatst gewijzigd: 2014-11-29

In Excel kunnen we de rijhoogte snel aanpassen aan de celinhoud door de AutoFit Rijhoogte functie, maar deze functie negeert volledig samengevoegde cellen. Dat wil zeggen dat u de AutoFit Rijhoogte functie om de rijhoogte van samengevoegde cellen te wijzigen, moet u de rijhoogte voor samengevoegde cellen een voor een handmatig aanpassen. In dit artikel kan ik enkele snelle methoden introduceren om dit probleem op te lossen.

Rijhoogte van samengevoegde cellen automatisch aanpassen met VBA-code

pijl blauw rechts bel Rijhoogte van samengevoegde cellen automatisch aanpassen met VBA-code

Stel dat ik een werkblad heb met enkele samengevoegde cellen zoals in het volgende screenshot wordt getoond, en nu moet ik de grootte van de celrijhoogte wijzigen om de hele inhoud weer te geven, kan de onderstaande VBA-code je helpen om automatisch de rijhoogte van meerdere samengevoegde cellen aan te passen, doe dat alsjeblieft als volgt:


1. Houd de ALT + F11 toetsen, en het opent de Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications-venster.

2. Klikken Invoegen > Moduleen plak de volgende code in het Module Venster.

VBA-code: rijhoogte van meerdere samengevoegde cellen automatisch aanpassen
Option Explicit
Public Sub AutoFitAll()
  Call AutoFitMergedCells(Range("a1:b2"))
   Call AutoFitMergedCells(Range("c4:d6"))
    Call AutoFitMergedCells(Range("e1:e3"))
End Sub
Public Sub AutoFitMergedCells(oRange As Range)
  Dim tHeight As Integer
  Dim iPtr As Integer
  Dim oldWidth As Single
  Dim oldZZWidth As Single
  Dim newWidth As Single
  Dim newHeight As Single
  With Sheets("Sheet4")
    oldWidth = 0
    For iPtr = 1 To oRange.Columns.Count
      oldWidth = oldWidth + .Cells(1, oRange.Column + iPtr - 1).ColumnWidth
    Next iPtr
    oldWidth = .Cells(1, oRange.Column).ColumnWidth + .Cells(1, oRange.Column + 1).ColumnWidth
    oRange.MergeCells = False
    newWidth = Len(.Cells(oRange.Row, oRange.Column).Value)
    oldZZWidth = .Range("ZZ1").ColumnWidth
    .Range("ZZ1") = Left(.Cells(oRange.Row, oRange.Column).Value, newWidth)
    .Range("ZZ1").WrapText = True
    .Columns("ZZ").ColumnWidth = oldWidth
    newHeight = .Rows("1").RowHeight / oRange.Rows.Count
    .Rows(CStr(oRange.Row) & ":" & CStr(oRange.Row + oRange.Rows.Count - 1)).RowHeight = newHeight
    oRange.MergeCells = True
    oRange.WrapText = True
    .Range("ZZ1").ColumnWidth = oldZZWidth
  End With
End Sub


(1.) In de bovenstaande code kunt u nieuwe bereiken toevoegen door gewoon te kopiëren Bel AutoFitMergedCells (Range ("a1: b2")) script zo vaak als u wilt, en verander de samengevoegde celbereiken naar uw gewenste.

(2.) En u moet de huidige werkbladnaam wijzigen Sheet4 naar uw gebruikte bladnaam.

3. Druk vervolgens op F5 sleutel om deze code uit te voeren, en nu kun je zien dat alle samengevoegde cellen automatisch zijn aangepast aan hun celinhoud, zie screenshot:


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Comments (28)
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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
Perfect, good job! A just not ajust with merge cells in the same colum, there is an error with this code on the script:

For exemple if i want ajust this range ("a32:i32"):

Call AutoFitMergedCells(Range("a32:i32"))

Apear an error in this line of the script:

.Rows(CStr(oRange.Row) & ":" & CStr(oRange.Row + oRange.Rows.Count - 1)).RowHeight = newHeight

Could you help me?
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Hi All,

I modify the codes, which will search the merged cells and apply the autofit. hope this will help the future if any one interested.

Sub FindMergedCells()

' Declare sheet you want to look for merged cells on - in the example it's sheet 1
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Set sheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Dim rng As Range
Dim rngStart As Range
Dim rngEnd As Range
Dim tHeight As Integer
Dim iPtr As Integer
Dim oldWidth As Double
Dim oldZZWidth As Double
Dim newWidth As Double
Dim newHeight As Double
Dim oRange As Range

' Add sheet for output
Dim output As Worksheet
Set output = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(1))

' Initialize row counter for output
orow = 0

' Header on output sheet

' Check all the cells in the worksheet's used range
For Each cell In sheet.UsedRange

' If they're merged -

If cell.MergeCells Then
orow = orow + 1
Set cell = cell.MergeArea
Set rngStart = cell.Cells(1, 1)
Set rngEnd = cell.Cells(cell.Rows.Count, cell.Columns.Count)

'MsgBox "First Cell " & rngStart.Address & vbNewLine & "Last Cell " & rngEnd.Address
'output.Cells(orow, 1) = "" & Replace(rngStart.Address, "$", "") & ":" & Replace(rngEnd.Address, "$", "")
Set oRange = Range("" & Replace(rngStart.Address, "$", "") & ":" & Replace(rngEnd.Address, "$", ""))

With sheet
oldWidth = 0
For iPtr = 1 To oRange.Columns.Count
oldWidth = oldWidth + .Cells(1, oRange.Column + iPtr - 1).ColumnWidth
Next iPtr
'oldWidth = .Cells(1, oRange.Column).ColumnWidth + .Cells(1, oRange.Column + 1).ColumnWidth
oRange.MergeCells = False
newWidth = Len(.Cells(oRange.Row, oRange.Column).Value)
oldZZWidth = .Range("ZZ1").ColumnWidth
.Range("ZZ1") = Left(.Cells(oRange.Row, oRange.Column).Value, newWidth)
.Range("ZZ1").WrapText = True
.Columns("ZZ").ColumnWidth = oldWidth
newHeight = .Rows("1").RowHeight / oRange.Rows.Count
.Rows(CStr(oRange.Row) & ":" & CStr(oRange.Row + oRange.Rows.Count - 1)).RowHeight = newHeight
oRange.MergeCells = True
oRange.WrapText = True
.Range("ZZ1").ColumnWidth = oldZZWidth
End With

'MsgBox "Not merged area"

End If
Next cell

End Sub
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I have tried this as I am not at all proficient with VBA. At the "Set Sheet = Activeworkbook I always get this Compile Error - Invalid outside procedure. What am I doing wrong?
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Works perfectly on a single sheet. I need to fit multiple worksheet cells in one file. can you help me?
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It works perfectly. However, I need to adjust the width of multiple worksheets. it's possible?
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There is a limit on the size - if the total height required is greater than 409.5, it will only do what would fit in 409.5 and spread it amongst the height of the merged cells and you would not see the remainder.  I was hoping this would solve for text lengths greater than the max row height (409.5).  I think you may need to iterate through and split the text to what can fit in to the first max height of 409.5 then put the rest in another cell (ZZ2) and so on until it fits, then count the rows in each cell then get the total required height.
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Dang it, copy/paste bit me. Also, with explicit sheet references the With isn't needed:

Public Sub AutoFitMergedCells(oRange As Range, ByVal dblWidth As Double)

oRange.MergeCells = False

Sheet1.Range("A1") = oRange.Cells(1, 1).Value

Sheet1.Range("A1").WrapText = True

Sheet1.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = dblWidth


oRange.Parent.Rows(oRange.Row).Resize(oRange.Rows.Count).RowHeight _

= Sheet1.Rows(1).RowHeight / oRange.Rows.Count

oRange.MergeCells = True

oRange.WrapText = True

End Sub
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Thank you, that helped me with a sheet I've not been happy with for years.

I did change things around a bit, my merged cells are all in one column so I calculated that outside the loop and passed it. I also inserted a Sheet1 that is hidden, and manipulated the columns/rows there so as to not affect the sheet I'm working on. The references should probably be more explicit:

Public Sub AutoFitMergedCells(oRange As Range, ByVal dblWidth As Double)

Dim dblHeight As Double

With oRange.Parent

oRange.MergeCells = False

Sheet1.Range("A1") = oRange.Cells(1, 1).Value

Sheet1.Range("A1").WrapText = True

Sheet1.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = dblWidth


dblHeight = Sheet1.Rows(1).RowHeight / oRange.Rows.Count

oRange.Parent.Rows(oRange.Row).Resize(oRange.Rows.Count).RowHeight = newHeight

oRange.MergeCells = True

oRange.WrapText = True


End With

End Sub
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This not work for me}
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not working , ye password set in your code not working in your code
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I believe the reason that the row heights do not calculate properly is related to these lines of code
For iPtr = 1 To oRange.Columns.Count
oldWidth = oldWidth + .Cells(1, oRange.Column + iPtr - 1).ColumnWidth
Next iPtr
oldWidth = .Cells(1, oRange.Column).ColumnWidth + .Cells(1, oRange.Column + 1).ColumnWidth

The variable OldWidth gets set to the sum of the column widths in the range, but for some reason it gets reset to only the width of the first two columns. The first 3 lines of code are therefore made redundant by the 4th line. When I removed the line it was much better, but the other issue I found was that you have to make sure that the font and font size of the temporary cell (ZZ1 in the example code) must match the font and size of the merged cells; otherwise, text will not wrap in the same way as the merged cells wrap and may not be the correct height.
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I made add-in for Auto fit row height of multiple merged cells.
Please use this, if you want to autofit row hight.
[Release Ver2.6 · toowaki/AutoFitRowEx · GitHub]
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This is pretty helpful, thanks!
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I am trying to understand the necessity of Line 19. You are assigning a value again to OldWidth. Can you please explain?
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