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Hoe automatisch automatisch filter opnieuw toepassen wanneer gegevens in Excel veranderen?

In Excel, wanneer u het FILTER functie om gegevens te filteren, wordt het filterresultaat niet automatisch gewijzigd met de gegevenswijzigingen in uw gefilterde gegevens. Als ik bijvoorbeeld alle appels uit de gegevens filter, verander ik nu een van de gefilterde gegevens in BBBBBB, maar het resultaat zal niet zo goed worden gewijzigd als in het volgende screenshot. In dit artikel zal ik het hebben over het automatisch opnieuw toepassen van autofilter wanneer gegevens in Excel veranderen.

doc auot verversingsfilter 1

Automatisch filter automatisch opnieuw toepassen wanneer gegevens veranderen met VBA-code

pijl blauw rechts bel Automatisch filter automatisch opnieuw toepassen wanneer gegevens veranderen met VBA-code

Normaal gesproken kunt u de filtergegevens vernieuwen door handmatig op de functie Opnieuw toepassen te klikken, maar hier zal ik een VBA-code introduceren waarmee u de filtergegevens automatisch kunt vernieuwen wanneer de gegevens veranderen, doe dit als volgt:

1. Ga naar het werkblad waarvan u het filter automatisch wilt vernieuwen wanneer gegevens veranderen.

2. Klik met de rechtermuisknop op de bladtab en selecteer Bekijk code vanuit het contextmenu, in de pop-out Microsoft Visual Basic voor toepassingen venster, kopieer en plak de volgende code in het lege modulevenster, zie screenshot:

VBA-code: filter automatisch opnieuw toepassen wanneer gegevens veranderen:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub

doc auot verversingsfilter 2

Note: In bovenstaande code, 3 Sheet is de naam van het blad met autofilter dat u gebruikt, wijzig dit alstublieft naar uw behoefte.

3. En sla vervolgens dit codevenster op en sluit het nu, wanneer u de gefilterde gegevens wijzigt, de FILTER functie wordt in 茅茅n keer automatisch vernieuwd, zie screenshot:

doc auot verversingsfilter 3

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Comments (40)
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Finally got the filter to update automatically. My scenario included a filter on sheet "Master" that had a formulas that depended on other sheets (named 1, 2,...,21).

Paste this in the source code into the "Master" sheet.

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
On Error Resume Next
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Paste this in the source code of each sheet that feeds data into the master sheet. (Sheet 21 shown from my scenario)

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
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Its not working if able changing by itslef, like when you linking data from another app, can someone help me fix this please
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Pasted it as shown, but not working. The sheet I need updated is an invoice that has formulas that are pulling from another sheet. Since the blank cells all have formulas in them, is that preventing it from working? Seems simple for it to work, so I'm getting frustrated with myself.
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2022 update!
Just add this to the sheets you want it applied too.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub
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My input data is on the first sheet of the book, and the table in which the filter is applied is on another sheet of the same book. When I change the data on the first sheet, the filter on the second sheet should be updated. But if at the time of changing the data, a cell in the range of this table is not selected, then I get an error:"Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set". Therefore, i am should always check that the cursor is in a table range cell and not in any other place on the sheet. How to fix it?Solved:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Sheets("name of sheet").ListObjects("name of table").AutoFilter.ApplyFilter
End Sub
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Perfect!!! mine was in a table and this worked a treat!! Thank you!
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Thank you. Works great!
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Hey this works great but I'd like to re-apply the autofilter to multiple sheets if possible.
I have 3 sheets (Enquiry, Booked, No sale)

What I'm trying to do is essentially move the data when I change the item status code:
"Enquiry" is filtered to show 'In progress' only, "Booked" is filtered to show 'Booked' only etc

Is there a way to re-apply filter to multiple worksheets when making a change on "enquiry"
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I actually have data from an other Excel file that got imported in a Excelsheet with the name "Database". Then I import this data in the same Excel file but in an other ExcelSheet "Overview". I want when the data changes in the orgininal source, that the filter applies in the sheet "Overview". Thank you in forward for the one who can help me :). P.S. cant use VBA in the firt excelsheet
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This is a great bit of code thank you. The only issue I am having is I'm using a drop down on a separate chart sheet. If I manually change the value in the cell associated with the drop down, it works. But when I try to just use the drop down, it won't update. Any thoughts?
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Hi, thanks so much for the help. Something isn't working right for me. Here's the story.

Sheet1 has variable data. Sheet3 has static data and filter. Filter criteria on "Sheet3" comes from Sheet1. Sheet1 has data that comes from filtered results on Sheet3.

Sheet3 has code:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Range("A1:U14").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=Range("A22:U23"), CopyToRange:=Range("A25:U26"), Unique:=False
End Sub

It works great if I do anything on Sheet3. No problems. Thank you!

At first I had code on Sheet1:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub

Which resulted in the error "Runtime error 91, Object Variable or With Block not Set".

I changed the code based on comments to be:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Resume Next
End Sub

Now I don't get an error, but the data on Sheet3 and therefore Sheet1 don't change. In other words, the event of applying the filter to Sheet3 doesn't occur when I make a change on Sheet1. It doesn't matter if I hit <return> or click on another cell after changing the Sheet3 filter criteria cell that is set on Sheet1.

As an aside, I expect that if I wanted to have multiple cells on Sheet1 that caused filters on Sheets 4 and 5 in addition to Sheet3, I would need the code on Sheet 1 to read:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Resume Next
End Sub

Thanks again!
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