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Hoe het nummer elke x-rijen in Excel te verhogen?

doc increment x rijen 1

Normaal gesproken kunnen we opeenvolgende nummers in een kolom vullen met de vulhendel, maar heb je ooit geprobeerd een kolom te vullen met een oplopend nummer elke x rijen? De eerste vijf rijen vullen bijvoorbeeld het nummer 1, op de 6e rij wordt de waarde 2, en op de 11e rij wordt de waarde 3 enzovoort, zoals in de volgende schermafbeelding wordt getoond, om dit probleem op te lossen, kan dit artikel u een gunst.

Verhoog het getal elke x-rijen met de formule

pijl blauw rechts bel Verhoog het getal elke x-rijen met de formule

De volgende eenvoudige formule kan u helpen om de kolom snel te vullen met oplopende getallen om de x-rijen zoals u wilt, doe dit als volgt:

1. Voer deze formule in: = INT ((RIJ (E1) -1) / 5) +1 in een lege cel waar u de opeenvolgende nummers wilt vullen, zie screenshot:

doc increment x rijen 2

Note: In de bovenstaande formule, het getal 5 geeft aan dat de nummers elke 5 rijen moeten worden verhoogd, u kunt dit naar wens wijzigen.

2. Sleep vervolgens de vulgreep omlaag naar de cellen waarin u de oplopende nummers wilt vullen, en de nummers zijn na elke 1 rijen met stapjes van 5 ingevoegd, zie screenshot:

doc increment x rijen 3


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Comments (28)
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I need to increase a value by X percentage every 3 months. I need the new value to stay fixed for 3 months and then again increase by the same percentage or a different one for another period of 3 months. In other words, I would like to have every 3 months a new number automated by a formula. May I have the formula?
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Hi, I'm working on a data creation where I have to create sequential numbers based on data present in columnA. I have to create id in sequence which I can later concatinate after generating the sequence. Challenge is depending on the count of each value in columnA, the series should fill incrementally based on the count of each value. Also max sequence numbers can be 6 only. If ColumnA rows for a specific value goes above 6, then next series number should start. Any help would be highly appreciated. Eg shown below.

ColumnA ColumnB
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Hi all,

How do i increase in the range of 100 instead of 1. For ex after every 5 columns i need 100 ,200 etc
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Hello, Vignesh
To solve your problem, please apply the below fromula:
Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Hello!!! very interesting!!! Is there a way to do this but with months?
Something like:
25/01/2019.... and so on?

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Hello, Alfredo
To solve your problem, please apply the below formula:
Note: If the date format does not match your need, please change the date format to oyur own.
Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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What is the formula to add sequential numbers to every 8 rows. I don't want the rows in between to have any numbers (2-7, or 9-16, and so on).

Thank you,
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Hello, Yazen
Sorry, I can't get your point, could you give a detailed example?
You can insert a screenshot or an Excel file of your problem here.
Thank you!
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I am unable to add a screenshot or attach a file. But, here is what the excel looks like:
1 Apple 1
Apple 2
Apple 3
Apple 4
Apple 5
Apple 6

2 Orange 1
Orange 2
Orange 3
Orange 4
Orange 5
Orange 6

3 Banana 1
Banana 2
Banana 3
Banana 4
Banana 5
Banana 6

4 Melon 1
Melon 2
Melon 3
Melon 4
Melon 5
Melon 6

The numbers from 1 to 4 are manually entered. I am trying to figure out a formula that lets me add these numbers automatically to the first row category only and not every cell in that category.

Any help would be greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.
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To solve your problem, please use the below formula:
=IF(MOD((ROW(A1)-1)/6, 1)=0,(ROW(A1)-1)/6+1, "")
Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Thank you very much, that's exactly how I wanted it to be.
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Hey, thank you for this article. can I increase the specified row by other value instead of 1?
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Sorry, I can't get your point, could you give a detailed example? You can insert a picture here to describe your problem.
Thank you!
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Thank you so much for this article.. It saved a lot of time for me. Appreciate your support guys..
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Hello, I was trying to use the same formula for every 12 rows. =INT((ROW(R5)-1)/(12))+1877. But it does not work
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Hello, Marjan, To increment number every 12 Rows, please use this formula:=INT((ROW(E1)-1)/12)+1
Please try it, thank you!
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Thank you so much for this solution!!!!...........Your blog saves my night's sleep :)
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Very helpful, thanks !
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