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Hoe rijen in een beschermd werkblad te groeperen en te degroeperen?

Zoals we allemaal weten, zijn er in een beschermd werkblad veel beperkingen om sommige bewerkingen toe te passen. We kunnen bijvoorbeeld niet schakelen tussen gegroepeerde en niet-gegroepeerde gegevens. Is er een manier om rijen in een beveiligd werkblad te groeperen of de groepering op te heffen?

Groepeer en degroepeer rijen in een beveiligd werkblad met VBA-code

pijl blauw rechts bel Groepeer en degroepeer rijen in een beveiligd werkblad met VBA-code

Misschien is er geen andere goede manier om dit probleem op te lossen, maar met behulp van een VBA-code doet u het volgende:

1. Activeer uw werkblad dat u wilt gebruiken, zorg ervoor dat het werkblad nog niet beveiligd is.

2. Houd vervolgens de ALT + F11 toetsen, en het opent de Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications-venster.

3. Klikken Invoegen > Moduleen plak de volgende code in het Module Venster.

VBA-code: groepeer en degroepeer rijen in een beveiligd werkblad

Sub EnableOutlining()
'Update 20140603
Dim xWs As Worksheet
Set xWs = Application.ActiveSheet
Dim xPws As String
xPws = Application.InputBox("Password:", xTitleId, "", Type:=2)
xWs.Protect Password:=xPws, Userinterfaceonly:=True
xWs.EnableOutlining = True
End Sub

4. Druk vervolgens op F5 toets om deze code uit te voeren, en er verschijnt een promptvenster om u eraan te herinneren het wachtwoord in te voeren om het huidige werkblad te beschermen. Zie screenshot:


5. Dan klikken OK, uw werkblad is beschermd, maar u kunt de overzichtssymbolen in dit beschermde werkblad uitvouwen en inkrimpen, zie screenshot:


Note: Als uw werkblad al is beveiligd, werkt deze code niet.

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Fantástico, me resolveu rápido um grande problema, sua explicação é perfeita, didática, direta sem erros nem enrolação, parabéns. Obrigado!
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Thanks for these explanations, it works well.
I have a file with 3 outline symbols.
I would like to enable the user to group and ungroup rows when clicking on the symbols 1 and 2,but to prevent him from ungrouping rows when clicking on the symbol 3.
Is there any way to achieve this ?
Thanks in advance
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Is there a way to get this to work on a shared workbook? - I need the track changes, Thanks
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f*ck, this stole my excel later and changed password privately
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How To Group And Ungroup Rows and Columns In Protected Worksheet?
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Someone might need this, I think I figured out how to make this work.

First, your code needs to be written in "ThisWorkbook" under Microsoft Excel Objects, as @peachyclean suggests.
Second, take the code that @Sravanthi wrote, and paste to the above mentioned location.

Sub Workbook_Open()
'Update 20140603
Dim xWs As Worksheet
Set xWs = Application.ActiveSheet
Dim xPws As String
xPws = "rfc" ''Application.InputBox("Password:", xTitleId, "", Type:=2)
xWs.Protect Password:=xPws, Userinterfaceonly:=True
xWs.EnableOutlining = True
End Sub

The thing is that you need to be on the sheet which you want to protect but allowing using grouping, and save the workbook and close, without protecting. Now if you open it, the macro starts automatically, it will make the sheet protected with the password "rfc". Now you can use the grouping, the sheet is protected.

For my solution, I've modified the password applied, so you can rewrite any password HERE:
xPws = "WRITEANYPASSWORDHERE" ''Application.InputBox("Password:", xTitleId, "", Type:=2)

Furthermore, I didn't want the to-be-protected sheet active when opening the file, therefore I've modified this part:
Set xWs = Application.ActiveSheet ->
Set xWs = Application.Worksheets("WRITEANYSHEET'SNAMEHERE")

Now it works like charm, sheet named 'WRITEANYSHEET'SNAMEHERE' is protected but the grouping applicable. On the long run, I think the problem will be that if I want to modify this file and keep the solution, I need to unprotect this sheet to make it work on the next opening. I guess you can write another macro to automatically unprotect when closing :)

I hope it helped.
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This string looked to be exactly what I needed, as I know nothing about VBA. I was able to get this to work initially but as was pointed out, once you close the spreadsheet and reopen it, it no longer works. I tried to write the code in "ThisWorkbook" as noted but I can't figure out how to do that. I can see "ThisWorkbook" but I don't know how to write in it. Every way I see to create a module, it creates a new module in a the separate "Modules" folder, outside of the "Microsoft Excel Objects" folder. Any suggestions on how to put this code in "ThisWorkbook" ?
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Hii.. this worked wonders. the only place where i am getting stuck now is that i need to do this for multiple sheets in the workbook. can u pls help with that.
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do you have visuals for the VBA Code discussed 6 days ago to peachyclean about ThisWorkbook under Microsoft Objects instead of a new module. The functionality is lost when I go back into my workbook
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To fix the issue of this not working in your file after you've closed it and opened it again, you have to paste the VBA code in "ThisWorkbook" under Microsoft Excel Objects instead of a new module. This will then automatically run the macro every time the file is opened.
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